Monday, October 31, 2011 Podcast Episode 2 - Buy WoW Gold

The BlizzCon is over and there is a huge amount of new topics that are worth talking about. And as we have already threatened you, so now there are 2 of our podcasts series, in which we talk about all these things and on top there is a bedrock of our singing performance Yuki.

Buy WoW Gold

As topics are the Pandaren time in the first place. Adjust it to WoW? Where does the race and what we think? Then we continue with the monk, who will indeed be the new class in Mists of Pandaria. And the new talent system, which is indeed more than controversial, to be discussed and evaluated by us, of course. We also still have the PetBattle system, the challenge mode for instances, PvP and PvE scenarios on offer, followed by a glimpse of the WoW years pass.

As spokesperson for this time drjones, mortadella, Sankar, Yneva Wolf and the singing Yuki were there. We hope you like the cast and we would be glad if you please leave comments in the news comments, topic suggestions or criticism to. Our PodCast on iTunes by the way is now ready for download, which your enjoyment is in the subway and nothing in the way. But headphones on and losgehort!

HiGolds company's goal is to meet customers' demand, supply the low -price, high security gold, account and power-leveling service.If you want to Buy WoW Gold,Choose We!We are professional!

Monday, October 24, 2011

How to Avoid World of Warcraft WoW Gold Scams

Fraud everywhere,even in the game,In World of Warcraft,there are a lot of spam sites,they cheat the players by the trust,to deceive the player's money,Now I will show you the pictures how spam Deceive is how the players:

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

WoW Leveling Guide Disadvantages

Are you making plans to purchase a WoW Gold Guide or WoW Leveling Guide? This thing claimed that their guides are full of new, updated and different strategies? But the reality is the data contain on this guides are also available everywhere and it’s for FREE? So why need to waste your hundred bucks for this when you can get it for nothing. WoW Gold Guide or WoW Leveling Guide has become reasonably popular now as World of Warcraft new patch launch, the Cataclysm.
Buy WoW Gold
Because this guides made a claim you can make more gold than ever or you can accomplish simply the wow gold cap, but naturally everyone can achieve this just get our mind focus on gold capping instead of raid or arena! Purchasing this guide is just wasting of cash and time. In truth there are lots of addons available at Curse WoW Addons to help out thru the game either for leveling, for your wow professions, farming, fighting bosses and even addons for Auction House its available at Curse and this tools are authorized by Blizzard so you guarantee to use this SAFE and FREE so you do not want this WoW Gold Guide or WoW Leveling Guide any longer. And if you’re searching for methods, tips and guides you can search over the net and you dazzle with plenty of info you can get.

And if your type of guy actually hates farming you can just buy wow gold. Take note, buying is against Blizzard TOR so I am doing suggest to buy just from trusted and credible sites. Check WoW Gold Reviews, these are compilations of top of the best gold selling sites you will find across the net. They’re been in the business and know for gold selling for eight years and make them as the forerunner of this wow gold selling market. These are the 1 explanation why players keep on purchasing from them. I do not push you to buy from them, its better to have a research first and ask your buddies of guildmates what they like to recommend most. But please check WoW Gold Reviews first.

higolds company's goal is to meet customers' demand, supply the low -price, high security gold, account and power-leveling service.If you want to Buy WoW Gold,Choose We!We are professional!

same popular places in game of WOW buy wow gold can be good way to renew your interest in the game. While WoW is one of the easiest MMORPGs to level up in, Our website is which specializes in trading wow gold,World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game,contains many cities,below i will introduce some big places in the wow game.Once your character is ready then you run it to the nearest capital city, such as Stormwind or Orgimmer. Stay on the main road, keep your eyes open for things that will kill you, and you should be safe enough. Any big city will do, but Storm and Org make it easier if you want to buy/sell through the trade channel.

Buy WoW Gold
Buy WoW Gold

When Cataclysm hits keep in mind that if you want to have Goblin or Worgen banker you will need to get those characters out of their instanced starting areas, first. This means that yes, you have to do the starting stories/quests, and that, yes, you will past level 10 by the time you make it to the bank.

When your mule arrives in the city you should station it by the mailbox nearest to the AH. Now, whenever your gathering character.

higolds company's goal is to meet customers' demand, supply the low -price, high security gold, account and power-leveling service.If you want to Buy WoW Gold,Choose We!We are professional!