Monday, May 16, 2011

If Blizzard is doing what

If Blizzard is doing what in the distribution of resources, if you want to go so far as to call a man like Jeffrey Kaplan, lead designer of the World Games in World of Warcraft, as a single resource. Because we were aware he joined the team and now works fully in Blizzard's upcoming, still unannounced MMO. He comments on that follow, after explaining his move:
"World of Warcraft has been for the last six and a half years, the center of my life, but the success of the game would not have been possible without the huge community, so I would like to rift gold thank all players who have shared this great experience with us. I also want to thank all those who have supported us over the years by having taken the feedback on all aspects of the game to the point. Without this feedback and participation in the game there would be no match to what wow is. Azeroth is actually you, and we are lucky to travel together with you to be allowed to contest. I will continue to lurk in the forums to your opinions. Above all, I wanted to say thank you. It was an absolute honor. " He also thanked the team about the World of Warcraft, which will continue to be busy to make the game better and better. The new leaders of the team Tom Chilton and J. Allen Brack will be, involved a long time as the Senior Game Designer.
Because of these last chaos gold developments, which show clearly that in the previously unannounced project does something, one hopes this year already seen on the WWI or BlizzCon to get something to the project. The speculation in the scene, of course, cook up. Why is this announcement now? If the upcoming MMO from the Starcraft universe are, possibly Starcraft: Ghost? Enter the Pocket Star Books for Starcraft a clue? After all, they are in the comic scene, a big issue. But given the fact that Starcraft 2 was announced as a trilogy, wow could also mean that we have to deal with another part of the Blizzard universe? Maybe an MMO in the world of Diablo? As early as 2002, two games from the same story with the world developed in parallel, namely, Warcraft 3 and World of Warcraft. Is this the case again?
All we know is that we only know a little more details to know if Blizzard keep the managers see fit. But it's not what we like about Blizzard so, even if wow drives us mad sometimes in similar conditions. forums with real names

This evening wow was time again: Blizzard last chaos gold presented his latest idea on forums and is thus probably surprised the entire fan base. In the future wow will no longer be able to post anonymously in the forums, as an indication of the first and last name is required. Only option is to display the game name must still possible.
The first and most significant change is that in the near future, anyone posting or replying to a post on official Blizzard forums will be doing so using their Real ID - last that is, their real-life first and name.
Furthermore, the surface, the allocation of posts and the search function can be improved and revised. What do you expect everything you can read the official announcement.
Our thanks Trollkobolt who posted this message in the forum.
Previously you did learn something, guest books etc.
But now I have successfully made sure that one does not find anything about me. But when I post at Blizzard, I let myself loose on Google you finden.wenn at google learns much about you, you've already done something wrong ... a good idea, but I did not feel like using Google from any curious people to be searched. And so to be spying on what I said rift gold in my spare time, when and where to write. Then I have no interest. I know this from school, and that was really bad. So I avoid are the one before and give my last name. For where your privacy is as good of privacy? I have no problem with the idea, but if I can find this by google and other stuff. Then I try to avoid the forum.

Friday, May 6, 2011

WoW Mount Guide: In 25 minutes to fight the Amani Bear!

Since the Cataclysm-content patch 4.1 and the revival of the last chaos gold former Troll Raids Zul'Aman as a heroic 5-player dungeon, it is also possible again, once the highlight - the cute War Bear Amani (English Amani War Bear) - with a slightly different color scheme to . earn

To get the new battle of the Amani Bear (English Amani Battle Bear), as then you have to create the first four bosses in a given time and free their prisoners. In today's Mount Guide We have compiled useful tips and tricks that you will support the project.

The guide can be found in the usual compact, Alt + Tab-compatible form in our mount guides section at the link in the Annex. Good luck!

WoW Arena Pass 2011 - Registration has begun

Also this year Blizzard invites back the rift gold ultimate PvP event. The Arena 2011 will pass in the starting blocks and it is planned, in May to begin the Trainigsphase. To participate in this event you must register separately and you will receive then the opportunity to level 85 characters with epic equipment on special PvP Arena passport servers to create. On these servers, there will be no new content as PvE instances or Battlegrounds.

And what do I need for the fun? First, of course, an active WoW account, which must have been extended to Cataclysm. Then it requires 15 $, because so much will cost to participate in this event. Furthermore, you must accept the terms of use.

And what can you win? So far, two winners were announced. The first, an armored Murloc pet for all your characters get, her, in that ye have taken part in the four weeks of the event with a character in a team of at least 50 ranked arena matches. If you also provide the best 1000 players have heard and participated in at least 100 ranked arena matches, you will receive for each of your 71 + characters, the title of "conqueror. "

Patch 4.2 Picture Series: Tierra del Fuego-quests in Hyjal

While we wait for the login server, we want to wow gold you with a series of pictures before the quests at Mount Hyjal, which will launch in patch 4.2 The land of fire-raid. As mentioned above, you are building a base there, with the Druids, made ​​from which all operations against the hosts of fire Lords Ragnaros.

The most important conclusion: In order to play the release of Patch 4.2, the introductory quest series, and the following daily quests at all, you have the latest Hyjal quests have at least completed so far that the Southwest "planted"and the next door lies the shrine of Malorne is rebuilt. In plain language this means that you are at least to the Quest Aessinas miracle came and it closes. Have you not already done so, you get to the "Wall" in patch 4.2 in the main cities, first a new Vorquest called Guardians of Hyjal: Call of the Ancients, which prompts you that in the above To help quests appearing four ancestors Lo'gosh, Tortolla, Aviana and Aessina or to free them.

Are you ready, there's on the whiteboard then the start of the introductory quest chain Quest: Guardians of Hyjal: Firelands invasion. Your task is to help the Guardians of Hyjal, led by Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage in preparing for the invasion of Tierra del Fuego. The quest leads you, as you probably already suspected, directly to the (resurrected), Malorne shrine of the southwest on Mount Hyjal. The following series of pictures shows you the complete introduction to the first two daily quests. Since we are not on the PTR's standard German translations of like, we have the pictures taken in the English original. Anglophobe us look like this, and there's a spoiler warning of course.

WoW Professions Guide: Blacksmithing

Blacksmithing enjoys a very wow gold, but it is one of the professions in WoW, which cost the most time and most of the gold to the levels at Level 525th Lest you unnecessarily invested heavily in the levels that we have for you here are the Blacksmithing profession guide.

This guide shows you what it produces when the best and what materials you need for it. So you come 1-525 pleased with the least effort and you can then of great, epic recipes for your level 85 top support. Or do you earn a fortune then, maintaining your products simply hawked on the AH. No matter what you do, we'll show you how you go there. Have fun with our guide.

What is the mystery behind Cataclysm?

The word means something like Cataclysm disaster, upheaval and devastation that often occurs in the context of a wow gold water flood, and currently plays an important role in the speculations of Blizzard gamers. The reason is the discovery of the fact that Blizzard wants the rights to the name officially safe. This is true for the computer games, paper-based products such as comic books, trading cards, guides, walkthroughs or stickers, and online games.
But what will come of it? For now, the developers of the game developer with a number of projects concerned that we know of only two of the names for sure - that Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 There is also the confirmation that there will be another World of Warcraft expansion, whose name is still not known. This opens the door to speculation as to whether this will then take the wonderful name Cataclysm. It is also possible that one of the previously announced games will be called rift gold that, of which an MMO should not be in a well-known gaming universe. Perhaps we are already so enlightened to BlizzCon and will be wiser.

plans for the next patch

In the American forum there is a new blog entry with all sorts of statistics and information about the 1vs1 game balance. Dustin Browder reveals there also things which the developers are currently working and what is planned for the next patch. The first table shows the popularity of the various races in North America. Thus, the Protoss are with 38.5% in the lead, followed by the Terrans with 38%. With only 23.5% of the Zerg are far behind, which is a clear sign of the weakness of this race.
comprare wow oro Next, the recovery rates of the different breeds are shown. Here you can see the Protoss player to Terra to players in nearly all leagues are superior. The dominance of the Protoss race in games against the Zerg players not quite so clear but again you can see that the Protoss race is stronger.
For Blizzard, the clear nights of the patch, especially the Zerg race to be improved. A list of the changes in our victory has already been put online forum where you can also like your thoughts are going on. Thanks again for the quick submission victory and translation of the preliminary patch notes.
: Be> if we can trust the Winrate's individual races Zerg is far worse because breeds than others, and Queen's switch to auto function feeble, just as the comparative mti automatic repair of the WBF and the dark swarm we start prefer not to ....
Zerg are no worse than other breeds;) who's just harder to play net may have to change everything to practice or race:) If you lay eggs, the larvae of the queen could switch to autofuntion as repair of the WBF and one with a Dark last chaos gold Kings swarm as they used could create the poisoner would wow look in the Zerg goose different.

What class will be superior?

Elsewhere, the question arose as to the spells that have to do with movement, including the use of the teleport spell would, we all know from Diablo 2. What role will this spell, which have given in this case, the Sorc great advantages in the game.
Even that could give a plausible answer Bashiok.
"We want to prevent in any case where a class is superior to the others because they wow gold used certain skills.
Whenever there are in a game choices and variations, in general, the consensus is what is best for "X". We hope and our intention is to keep the differences between the best, second-and third-best in as little as possible so that you can take any character or class that you want, without having the feeling that this is what is missing, last chaos gold the you is important. It is a balancing act. We took the specific mobility problems in Diablo 2 under the magnifying glass and wondered at how they might impact on Diablo 3, and I think we already are a little smarter for future planning. It came here specifically to the language of the witch doctor. As time plays and he feels like a huge interweaving of skills that are not right for him, but he will still have one or the other ace up its sleeve. "

What is the mysterious fifth game

On some pages, watching every development in the hallowed halls of Blizzard Entertainment, and evaluate each variable sites meticulously, we speculated that Blizzard has another five games in development. condense Since last week, obviously the evidence and we want to summarize for you this evidence.
We know of four projects, in the icy game developer in the pipelines, that is WoW, Diablo 3, another World of Warcraft AddOn and not specifically advertised next-gen MMO. thought behind the new product, a game based on a whole new universe, so shake a new license Starcraft, Warcraft and Diablo would be. The first indications were there in 2006, when Paul Sams said:
"I would not be surprised a new license from us to see in some time;. There is desire to do something"
Two years later, in August 2008, he mentioned that this is a new MMO in the works, but also the interest in a whole new license that we would before. To view this information appeared twice in a period of two years. Last week there were new fodder for speculation kitchen. Maybe wow is just another WoW expansion, because there wow gold was no official information to Blizzard. But if one remembers the past, there were similar developments in the announcement policy. That is an issue the new license at Blizzard, shows a further statement from Paul Sams:
"What I am saying is that the idea of a new license, the employees of the company very intrigued. If we publish here a new one? I would say absolutely that we are at such a point. I know just do not know when this day will be. "
Another indication is the active search Blizzards for programmers last chaos gold for this fifth mystery game, as there are job offers on the Blizzard jobs page appeared, which are under the heading "Unannounced", is being sought separately for the next-gen MMO. We are looking for a Software Engineer, Gameplay, and a software engineer, client. The job description is written explicitly that wow is an "unannounced title" is and will be offered to employees on a "brand new project".
So there is plenty of room for speculation about what could wow be for a project when wow is announced and whether wow will succeed Blizzard created apart from its proven licenses to something radically new.
Source: BlizzPlanet
MMORPG for Call of Duty? That `s not the o.ONach Fussion with Activicion wow could be, but also a world of Activision. And has the Activision Boss said sometimes he is a MMORPG for Call of Duty imagine knte.Ich think wow will be an honest Starcraft Battle Field in online version. ^ ^

Since Blizzard dominates the market and the strategy game MMORPG games market they want to travel now, the FPS under the nail. I think that some suggesting. (Starcraft Ghoast, which have merged with Activion (the company a lot of experience with first person shooters), Hellgate London (which was indeed made by former employees of Blizzard). I think there is something very great in the bush. ... What is Blizzard's FPS come out of there? A Counter Strike which is better 10x?

which is now one probably althm a first person shooter, is indeed unusual for Blizzard, but that would be what neuesWoW 2 well not honest. The Blizzard has been excluded. It should also be yes to a new world handeln.Nach WoW Diablo 3 will arrive safely Warcraft 4 and WOW 2also I would find so difficult en SC MMO gail: D
but I think impossible transform sets ^ ^

Not all weapons for all characters

The forum began a discussion with a user as to whether wow would be like in Diablo 3 that we would get dropped on his class specially tailored items or if that would play a role in the drop chances. Bashiok spoke next to the answer is relatively clear about the expected availability wow gold of items for different character classes.
"We do not drop system designed to ensure that everyone gets exactly the items they need, which would replace the action and make totally unnecessary. We want to encourage players to trade and exchange, and thus a value in the to see things they can not use themselves - they give them to friends, another character or sell it. "
He further stated that wow would be contrary to the previously assumed by many fans free access to all weapons of all characters, but limitations. Here, the avatars are, of course not do without the right weapons to their type classes, but wow was just too expensive to make every weapon for every character available. This energy they want instead prefer to put in the upgrading of skills and runes, as wow believes the developer is more last chaos gold potential. That certainly makes sense as long as wow is not blocking the creativity of the players who like to want to try one unkonvetionellen character.

The deadline for the BlizzCon 2009 is

It is hot in August and not because we the result of a farmer's rule is coming up, but because the date was announced for this year's BlizzCon. This takes place on 21 and 22 August, as this year in Anaheim wow gold Convention Center and colliding with wow appointment with the Games Com weekend in Cologne.
This naturally raises some interesting questions, such as whether Blizzard will ever be represented at the Games Com and whether the election date is to have this effect deliberately. last chaos gold One, however, we know full well that that is in Anaheim this weekend will be a lot going on, because the Catch of the Minden Blizzard Games versameln there to celebrate their pets and new entgegenzufiebern.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Patch 3.3.3: fixes and improvements

Right after the patch 3.3.3. there were again some fixes and improvements in the wow oro official forum to report.
Here you will find a list of current hotfixes that were made to the game. Consider this in mind that some of the changes to take effect until you restart the Realms.
For the meta-success "Glory of the Raider of Icecrown" the success "real obnoxious" provided no more. At the meeting with Sindragosa following changes: The knitted below 35% health Frost breathing slows and more players do not taunt effects are no longer affected by diminishing returns. The "extreme Tested Eterniumangelschnurr" now grants the proper bonus of +5 to fishing skill. The subject of "Weathered Fishing rift gold Hat" now grants the plan to strengthen the effect of +75 to fishing skill. When Transmute by magic cloth, black cloth and the moon spun, players no longer dispel buffs. The non-player character Halthenis now appears correctly again, allowing hunters to complete the quest beast training. Champion of the Horde and Alliance Engineers should again be able to access by fire or arc Reginald Brassbolts Bogenzang on the auction house. Druids can "Rapid healing" as intended to use targets that are cured by the Tier10-set bonus for four parts with "rejuvenating". "Pyroblast" should now be the correct bonus "Torment the Weak" by obtained when a player has invested in the talent points "Molten Fury '. The bonus for four parts of the Tier10 sets for warriors should now have the proper chance to trigger the proc effect.

GamesCom: Gameplay Features at a glance

The demo at GamesCom offered further insights into the possibility of Diablo 3 to get, this time in a new scenario that has, however, despite desert ambience is anything but too bright and too colorful. You could try all three previously known characters and started at 12th Level Maximum attainable level was only 13, so that only one skill point had available that was free forgivable all the others were already given order in advance. Also offered relatively little variety, so that we do everything here in this article focus on the impressions we have gained buy rift gold from the game itself. What is new, which has a recognition factor from the previous parts and what was possibly not so converted, as one might wish for.
Balancing and Item Drops: Unlike BlizzCon 2008 demo was added to the current version more emphasis on a balancing that challenged the players and in some places. In addition, not as many were dropping on great items, such as had been perhaps the most memorable. It came more to the game last chaos gold of skill and the use of available skills.
Teleport: The Wizard character has in this early level of the teleport ability, but is limited in scope and presents itself not to travel longer distances.
Claims: On the character window, one has the overview of the damage that makes your own character. This damage per second and actual attacks per second are displayed.
Exchange of skills: both mouse buttons can be assigned with different skills, in addition you can change using the Tab key to the first mouse button down skills.
Audio Books: These appear to be not yet fully developed in the present version, but appears after Klciken to a fact sheet that gives the player a Sidquest, a book icon on the action bar, which is controlled with play, pause and stop icons can be. If you use them, you can listen to the background on this quest.
Shrines: In the demo we encounter different versions cry, have a positive impact on the lives, skills, finding magical objects or the experience. A positive feature is that wow has the status bar gives an indication of how long the effect of the shrine is still active, so that you can erlgen whether wow is even worth writing the next action to take advantage.
Bonus System: An additional motivation in the multiplayer mode more actively into action, offers the bonus system, which offers the player an incentive experience points if he does as many monsters in no time.
Inventory: This was changed in comparison to the BlizzCon 2008 version, so you have another tetris-inventory, which is now, however, of long and short blocks. The quest items are still stored clearly extra.
These were just some of the observations that could make the games, there are certainly over the next few days many more added on which we will keep you up to date when we discover them.