Friday, May 6, 2011

Not all weapons for all characters

The forum began a discussion with a user as to whether wow would be like in Diablo 3 that we would get dropped on his class specially tailored items or if that would play a role in the drop chances. Bashiok spoke next to the answer is relatively clear about the expected availability wow gold of items for different character classes.
"We do not drop system designed to ensure that everyone gets exactly the items they need, which would replace the action and make totally unnecessary. We want to encourage players to trade and exchange, and thus a value in the to see things they can not use themselves - they give them to friends, another character or sell it. "
He further stated that wow would be contrary to the previously assumed by many fans free access to all weapons of all characters, but limitations. Here, the avatars are, of course not do without the right weapons to their type classes, but wow was just too expensive to make every weapon for every character available. This energy they want instead prefer to put in the upgrading of skills and runes, as wow believes the developer is more last chaos gold potential. That certainly makes sense as long as wow is not blocking the creativity of the players who like to want to try one unkonvetionellen character.

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